Rekreační potápění v Egyptě - Pavlína Katzová

rekreační potápění v Egyptě - nejžhavější akce

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Swirl water 2

16. 7. 2009

Hello, I am back with news from Sharm El Sheikh. This time I went to intro boat called Oceano. Divers have a lot of work and they need my help. I transleted for czech people because our instructor Romel realy does not speak fluently czech but it does not matter, his briefing about discovery dive was perfect specialy when he showed what to do and how. Just to be sure I translated what Romel said, not all of the people understand well english and came for firts time in their life to dive.

After the briefing they began to prepare stuff for diving, mask, fins and the rest together with Yassir, the one who is responsible for BCD´s, wetsuits and weight belts on the boat. During this time they had head full of questions. It´s our first dive, can we equalize well our ears, what we will see, how it will be? Don´t worry, everything was perfect, but wait, step by step...

On that day I was helping with everything. I was running all around and of course I had many cameras in my hands. I made a lot of pictures like Pavlí now, I have got my equipment or now I have got my weight belt. Suddenly we hear from the crew on the boat: "Manta ray, manta ray!" In that minute I turn the camera from the people on the boat and I do pictures of this manta ray. How beautiful is it. On the surface and so close to our boat. Manta rays comming to Sharm El Sheikh every year from May till July, sometimes also in August, same like the whale sharks. I did not see the whale shark yet but I hope I will. All of us have nice memory for this day. Now I am waiting if someone will send pictures to my e-mail.

After this moment it ready first from the group to jump into the water together with Romel, it is Aleš. I have his camera in my hands but he is so good and in few seconds is under water, I made only one or two pictures. After 20min guys comming back and we can see in Aleš´s eyes how nice it was. He is happy and looking forward to do the second dive. Second round is ready for lady Alenka, she will have nice pictures from the platform. And jump! She jumps into the water perfectly but on the surface she showed me that something is not OK. Romel just spent wiht her more time on the surface and finaly Alenka succeed and going slowly down under the water. 20 minutes past and they are back again. She is so happy like Aleš. Now is longer brake between the last person who will make discovery dive - Hanka, so I have time to prepare my own eqiupment including my camera and for the last dive I jump into the water together with them, Hanka and Romel. I hope that manta ray will still be somewhere close to the place where we jumped but it is too late, she went to another dive site. Does not matter, i had another things to be object for my camera. I made many pictures. Clown fish at home in green anemone, lion fish, than Romel showed me nice blue spotted stingray. We swomm very slowly and comes big school of blue fishes, nice for the picture, Romel and Hanka and behind them this blue fishes. Than in 6m I see Vašek, he make free dive till 8-10m and signalize to me, make pictures of Hanka. For me is more interesting his dive so I do pictures of him. Of course I have already Hanka in my camera. Finaly last picture is Hanka, Romel and Vašek, all together, than Vašek going back to surface and we are going back to the boat. Hanka finished her discovery dive and I wait Romel with the last group. Next round and I see nice ..., than again blue spotted stingray but in another place and I cant do good pictures. And again time past so fast and we finished last dive.

We moved to another dive site and Aleš with Alenka prepare themself for second discovery dive for today. I still have camera ready so I jump also to the water and do for them pictures. Aleš together with Romel, Alenka changed her instructor and she will go with Michel. Aleš is again so fast but I made some nice pictures. Alenka and Michel are ready to dive so I made again only two pictures and they left. Their second discovery dive finishe and they compare what they saw and which dive site was better. THey are talking about their diving and in this time we do sunbathing and waiting for the lunch, finaly: "Lunch is ready!" Before they jump again to do snorkeling I showed them my pictures, all of them wrote me their e-mail to send them the pictures. I will do it, nice experience and nice memories.

And me? I escape to the saloon because I cant stay long time on the direct sun and I watch UW video from Adham, manta ray is perfect. I just asked Adham about one DVD and he made one for me. After the movie I left to change my clothes and felt down from the stairs. I have a lot of bruises and I cant dive, but I saw manta ray and this makes me happy :-) ...

If you wanna have same experience and memories from diving, let´s come and try discovery dive in Sharm El Sheikh ...


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